I only see cases referred from other veterinary surgeons, in accordance to APTC and CCAB guidelines.
To refer a case please email me the completed referral form, relevant history and blood results. I will contact your client to organise an appointment.
Any queries please do not hesitate to call or email me. I am always very happy to discuss difficult cases you have.
As a vet I believe behavioural medicine is an integral branch of small animal internal medicine. Behaviour and health are closely related so knowledge of a dog or cat's medical history is often vital to their treatment. I follow up my consultations with a written report to you. If I feel further medical workup or medication may be indicated I will discuss this with you, and will continue to work in close conjunction with you after I have assessed a patient.
Life skills puppy course- I cannot emphasise enough the difference between "life skills" and a traditional puppy class and would love to discuss this with you.
Fireworks seminar- usually the best uptake for these is from October to December. I can offer practical short-term solutions at this time and introduce goals for next year's party season. I can also talk to you about screening your database for clients who may benefit.
I am specifically interested in the integration of preventative behavioural medicine in general practice through mediums such as cognitive dysfunction screening and adolescent clinics. If this is an something you would like to incorporate into you practice protocol I can provide lunch-and learn sessions at you practice.